I love consent campaign

Consent is “permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.” Consent is misunderstood by many so to clear the confusion it will always be a verbal action, consent is not given non-verbally. One should never assume by the way a person dresses, smiles, looks or acts, that they want to have sex with you. You also can’t consent if you're under the influence, so make sure to make that clear before that first sip. Think before you make an unchangeable decision.

  • Consent isn't complicated it just a conversation .....
  • Is this OK, with you?
  • We had mind-blowing consent!

Sub Header:
  • consent to one thing is not consenting to ALL things 
  • Ask me, what I'm asking for?
  • Ask, Listen, Respect


  1. Hey Sydney - off to a good start. perhaps swap some of the subheads with the headers. Like 'Ask. Listen. Respect" could stand as a header, rather than a subhead. "We Had Mind-Blowing Consent" is rather clever. Maybe that is your header, and the subhead could be 'consent isn't complicated..."


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